Honoring the 3rd Jewel

This week’s talk by meditation instructor Eric Weinberg is entitled, “Honoring the 3rd Jewel.” Although much has been taught on experiencing one’s own enlightened nature (Buddha) & the teachings on many subjects (Dharma) – not much has been developed related to both community building or conduct in an ordinary sangha like ours.

One of the aspirations we have in building our new home is that it not be just a magnificent place inside & out but also a radiant, inspiring community place. That is up to us, it is our responsibility. We are like explorers of the 3rd jewel.

This talk is about the way we are having conversations as a sangha to uncover and engender our shared values. We aspire to make them lived values not just nice words on a paper. It is also about personal practice and how it supports & nourishes this great adventure.