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Refuge Vow Teaching and Ceremony with KTC Lamas

December 29 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Half-Hour Pre-Vow Teaching, followed by one-hour ceremony – In-Person only

In response to dharma students’ requests, KTC lamas will offer the Refuge Vow in a special program from 1:30 PM  to 3 PM Sunday Dec. 29 at Columbus Karma Thegsum Chöling.

The Refuge Vow Ceremony marks the beginning of a dharma student’s training. It is the formal entering of the Buddhist path.

In the Ceremony, those Taking Refuge take the Buddha as their teacher, the Dharma as their path and the Sangha (dharma community) as their guides and companions.

The Refuge Vow is the foundation of all other Buddhist ceremonies and training. Those who Take Refuge receive a Refuge Name and basic teachings on how to begin their Buddhist path.

Those Taking Refuge may welcome family and friends to observe their ceremony. A short teaching on the meaning of the Refuge Vow will be given before the ceremony. Those who have already Taken Refuge are welcome to participate again to renew their Refuge Vows.



1:30 PM TO 2 PM – Preliminary Teaching

2 PM to 3 PM – Vow Ceremony

Pre-Requisites: Before a person takes the Refuge Vow, it is helpful to read about the vow and the ceremony. 

At this link, you will find several articles about Taking Refuge and the ceremony at KTC. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o81bo5n40zuou3u97vlfo/Information-sheet-about-KTC-Refuge-Ceremony.docx?dl=0&rlkey=cs0am9m8f8t8275optrxw21x5

Want to Take Refuge? Please send RSVP to Lama Kathy Wesley at lamakathy@columbusktc.org

What to Bring: If you wish to make an offering, white offering scarves (katas) and envelopes will be provided at the KTC.

Want to Read More? Here’s a link to Lama Kathy’s article about the Tibetan Buddhist Path, and where the Refuge Vow fits in: http://www.lamakathy.net/resources/pdf/tib.buddhist_practices.pdf


December 29
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Columbus KTC
(614) 228-6546
View Organizer Website


Columbus KTC
645 W. Rich St.
Columbus, OH 43215 United States
+ Google Map


December 29
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Columbus KTC
(614) 228-6546
View Organizer Website


Columbus KTC
645 W. Rich St.
Columbus, OH 43215 United States
+ Google Map