Nightly Online Meditation Talks Friday Sept. 30 to Sunday Oct. 9.
Columbus KTC will present a one-hour online talk-and-practice sessions from 7 to 8 PM Eastern Time nightly from Friday Sept. 30 to Sunday Oct. 9 as part of its annual Meditation Marathon Fundraiser.
It’s a great opportunity for your family and friends to get an introduction to quiet sitting meditation as taught by Lama Kathy, Lama Tom and Lama Adam of the Columbus KTC. Each night will cover a different topic, including Patience, Resilience, Compassion and more.
Interspersed with the talks will be periods of quiet meditation, so participants can meet their daily meditation quota as part of the KTC’s “10-Day Meditation Challenge.”
The nightly sessions are free, but during the 10-day event, KTC members will be raising funds for KTC’s new meditation center by seeking donations to sponsor their commitment to meditate every day for 10 days.