After five years of work to carry out the wishes of our founding teacher Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche – who urged us to rebuild our center after it was destroyed in an arson fire – our goal of having a new center building has almost been reached.
It’s been quite a journey, but with the help of dharma friends and supporters, we gathered funds, hired contractors and are now just weeks from finishing our new home. It’s all been thanks to all of you – and your prayers and support!
We are indeed grateful for all the assistance that has brought us this far. As a special way to say “thank you,” we would like to offer you a “sneak peek” of our new home while it’s still being built.
Here’s what we have planned:
WHAT: “First Look” tours of the KTC site
WHEN: Sunday Aug.15, between 1 PM and 4:00 PM (see schedule below)
WHO: KTC Members and Friends
Tours will be led by KTC Director Kim Miracle and Lama Kathy, with short periods of prayer and meditation offered in various rooms. We will be blessing the space with our presence and pure intentions!
There will be tours at 1 PM, 1:45 PM, 2:30 PM and 3:15 PM.
Each tour will accommodate 15 people, and masks and social distancing will be required.
Some additional details: Tours will take place rain or shine. We will be visiting an active construction site, so comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes are recommended. We regret that the tour will not be handicap accessible; the elevator hasn’t been installed yet! Each tour will last about 35 minutes; plan to spend about 45 minutes on the site.
Due to COVID precautions, tour space is limited, so please sign up for just one tour. We hope to offer other “sneak preview” events in the near future, so all our dharma friends have a chance to share in the excitement of our new home.