Event Series KTC Kids Class

KTC Kids Class

Columbus KTC 645 W. Rich St., Columbus, OH, United States

Thanks to the work of a dedicated core of volunteers, the KTC Children’s Class started with smiles and applause in October 2023.   Meeting in the Children’s Room on the lower level of the KTC from 11:30 to 12:30 on the First and Third Sundays of the month, youths ages 5-10 practice meditation together, hear […]

Mala-making Workshop: Create Buddhist Prayer Beads!

Columbus KTC 645 W. Rich St., Columbus, OH, United States

Using natural materials and the blessing of mantra, we will make a traditional Tibetan rosary (mala) to take home for our mantra practice, or to donate to KTC’s bookstore. Lama Kathy will explain the history and traditions behind mala-making, while mala maker Matthew McKittrick, assisted by Kate Hawthorne, teaches basic bead-threading and knotting techniques to […]