Midday Meditation

Trinity Episcopal Church 125 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH, United States

Learn and meditate with us! In today’s busy world, it’s difficult to gain perspective; meditation helps us let go of the stress of the day and refresh ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Come and learn meditation at the Urban-Spirit Center of Trinity Episcopal Church. The one-hour Midday Meditation on Wednesdays includes basic, non-denominational meditation instruction, […]


Midday Meditation

Trinity Episcopal Church 125 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH, United States

Learn and meditate with us! In today’s busy world, it’s difficult to gain perspective; meditation helps us let go of the stress of the day and refresh ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Come and learn meditation at the Urban-Spirit Center of Trinity Episcopal Church. The one-hour Midday Meditation on Wednesdays includes basic, non-denominational meditation instruction, […]


Replay of Webcast by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: Blessing of Mani Pills

Buddhism has many types of dharma  pills . Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche will teach about mani  pills  (called mani rilbu in Tibetan), their benefit, their practice use, their ingredients, and our lineage's practice with them. In particular, mani  pills  have a special benefit for cleaning negative thoughts and diseases and increase love and compassion. Rinpoche has specifically chosen this topic in order […]

Replay of Webcast by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: Blessing of Mani Pills

Buddhism has many types of dharma  pills . Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche will teach about mani  pills  (called mani rilbu in Tibetan), their benefit, their practice use, their ingredients, and our lineage's practice with them. In particular, mani  pills  have a special benefit for cleaning negative thoughts and diseases and increase love and compassion. Rinpoche has specifically chosen this topic in order […]

Replay of Webcast by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: Blessing of Mani Pills

Buddhism has many types of dharma  pills . Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche will teach about mani  pills  (called mani rilbu in Tibetan), their benefit, their practice use, their ingredients, and our lineage's practice with them. In particular, mani  pills  have a special benefit for cleaning negative thoughts and diseases and increase love and compassion. Rinpoche has specifically chosen this topic in order […]