On Friday January 1st, please join the Columbus KTC Sangha and begin the New Year with a First Light Ceremony at 7 AM that includes prayers for world peace. We will be doing the ceremony “virtually” this year, so we encourage people to have a candle ready in a candle holder to display while reciting our yearly Lamp Offering Prayers for World Peace.
Following the Lamp Offering prayer program, you are invited to join us for a 45-minute Zoom “coffee and conversation” get-together, followed by a special Dharma Talk given by Lama Kathy Wesley and Lama Tom Broadwater..
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Join the Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86572306618?pwd=TURjb0l4eFBpNndsYVVrM054L2ExUT09
Meeting ID: 865 7230 6618 Passcode: 739898
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdhK1hZxC
Prayers can be downloaded from our Dharma Downloads page: Tashi Prayer, Lamp Offering Prayers, Chenrezig sadhana, Sakya Nedrol, and Lama Rinpochema.