Don’t Worry – Parking at KTC is OK!

Some of you may have noticed the signs that were placed on our parking lot this week by the Ohio department Of Transportation.
While KTC owns the land underneath our parking lot, the use of the parking lot is controlled by ODOT, which holds the right way.
Recently, we had problems with junk cars being left on our parking lot, so ODOT, trying to be helpful, place these no parking signs on our parking lot.
However, this may be confusing for our Sunday and Saturday attendees.
Despite what the signs say, you are allowed to park on our parking lot when you attend KTC programs.
We will begin working directly with ODOT next week to see if we can arrange a different location for those signs, or different signs all together.
Meanwhile, please be assured that it is OK for you to park in our lot.
Thank you for your understanding; may all be benefit 🙂