Karma Pakshi Feast THIS Sunday June 28!

All are welcome to the Monthly Karma Pakshi Feast Offering this Sunday July 28 at 1 PM.

Celebrated by Tibetan Buddhist communities everywhere, these monthly feasts give the sangha a chance to chant together, purify faults and mistakes, patch up grievances, and bring blessing and harmony to our spaces. The two-hour chant includes mantra recitations connected with the 2nd Karmapa, Karma Pakshi, and a feast of fruits, veggies, and snacks.

Prayer texts will be provided. See you there!

Volunteers Needed for KTC Booth at Comfest

Friday June 23 through Sunday June 25 at Goodale Park


Greetings! Every year, Columbus KTC presents an information booth at Comfest for what is probably our biggest outreach even of the year, and we are looking for returning and new volunteers to help make our booth a success again this year.


During a shift as a booth volunteer, you will do the following:


  • Greet booth visitors and give them a brief overview of the beginner programs we offer at Columbus KTC—free Intro to Meditation and Intro to Buddhism classes every Sunday.
  • Then you can just have natural conversation about meditation, Buddhism, and the center itself if booth visitors are looking to converse more.
  • Offer booth guests fliers with information about our center and weekly schedule.
  • Perhaps sell some of the small merchandise we will have available in the booth: incense, prayer flags, malas, books . . .
  • Hang out with fellow Sangha volunteers, take breaks to go get some yummy festival food, and check out the festival yourself before or after your shift!
  • We will also need some volunteers to help set-up and take down the booth at the beginning and end of the festival.


You do not have to be an expert on meditation or Buddhism to volunteer at the booth. A friendly attitude and a solid understanding and experience of Columbus KTC’s intro programs and how they have benefited you is all that is required!


Come have fun with us and help make the local community aware of all we have to offer at KTC! Sign up for a shift here or email Justin Fitch at communications@columbusktc.org with any questions.


Singers, Guitarist, and “Cushion Wranglers” Needed for KTC Chenrezig Kirtan at Comfest June 24!

We’re looking forward to our annual blessing of the space, people, and attendees at Columbus’ Community Festival that is our annual Chenrezig Chant.

This year we will perform at the Live Arts Stage at 12 noon Saturday June 24.

But before we perform, we will need some hearty volunteers to assist us:

  1. Roadies!We will need at least two “roadies” who can arrive early (11:15 a.m.) Saturday June 24 to help us carry 10-plus cushions to the Comfest Stage and be ready to place them on the stage when our turn comes to perform.

  1. 2. Guitarist!We will need a guitarist (or two!) to play for about 10 minutes during the performance. We have a recording of the chant for you to study 

Have you played for us before? Your help would be invaluable.

  1. Singers!We would love to have 10 + people come to the Live Arts Stage (arrival at 11:30 a.m. for a 12 noon performance) to help us sing. After arriving at 11:30, we will have a brief rehearsal to bring our voices together for the chant.

We will be reciting the short version of the Chenrezig sadhana (copies will be provided for you) and then, during the mantra section, will engage the audience in an Indian Kirtan-style chant for 5-10 minutes.

No prior experience is necessary. If you love Chenrezig puja, and love to sing, this is your opportunity to let folks know about the power of OM MANI PEME HUNG 🙂

Want to sing, or to assist? Contact Lama Kathy atlamakathy@columbusktc.org.

Looking forward to joining you in joyous song!

Happy Year of the Tiger to All! Join Us Next Week for Special Prayers

Each year we celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year in the Tibetan Calendar with special prayers to bring blessings into our dharma practice and our lives. 

This year, we will welcome the Year of the Tiger, according to the Tsurphu Lunar Calendar, on Wednesday Feb. 2.

Monday evening Jan. 31 at 7 PM – To clear away the obstacles of the old year we will have a special EVENING Green Tara Chant online through Zoom. Lama Kathy will preside and our regular Green Tara Umdze (chant leader) Marilyn Stephen will lead the chant, which will last about 80 minutes.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88616696341?pwd=eFdlMzk3MDUrRkhNUVlKc0c3eUo4dz09
Meeting ID: 886 1669 6341Passcode: 515800

Tuesday evening Feb. 1 at 6:30 PM  – We will add the Smoke Offering of the Mountains to our usual Chenrezig sadhana. Both will be on the same Zoom channel; you can join at any time. Want to do a smoke offering of your own? Simply light a stick of incense and place it outdoorsin a flowerpot filled with sand (or an incense burner). We will offer the smoke to the awakened ones and all the local deities and protectors, asking for blessings in the New Year.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87564734195?pwd=OGV3NnlPZ3JuNWV5ZUg2N2o1ei9FQT09
Meeting ID: 875 6473 4195Passcode: 262197

Wednesday morning Feb. 2 at 9 AM – We will welcome the New Year and start our year off right – with special prayers for blessing and auspiciousness. Bring a candle – electric or natural – because we will recite the Lamp Offering prayers, along with aspirations and blessings.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89302115616?pwd=NEtWZ0VkV2dZcXFGdUV4cXR0WW1idz09
Meeting ID: 893 0211 5616Passcode: 670215

And there’s even more opportunities to accumulate merit. Read on!

The first two weeks of Losar coincide each year with the Great Occasion of the Buddha’s Performance of Miracles (Chötrul Duchen, in Tibetan) on, one of four Sacred Days on the Karma Kagyu tradition’s yearly calendar. This means that the benefit and blessing of any practice we do during this “Waxing Moon of Miracles” (sometimes called “The Month of Miracles”) is multiplied millions of times. This year, Chötrul Duchen will take place on Wednesday Feb. 16. So this is a good time to plan in extra dharma offerings and practice!

Since it is so meritorious to give offerings to dharma causes during the first 15 days of the Tibetan New Year, we are offering our dharma friends the opportunity to donate to KTC in a special “Matching Funds” campaign. Since we are working on closing out our construction accounts and beginning repayment of our $200,000 construction loan, the funds raised in this special campaign will be dedicated to KTC’s area of greatest need, whether that is construction, loan repayment, or operations.

Each donation will be matched dollar for dollar by an anonymous donor up to $5,000. Campaign will begin on Wednesday Feb. 6 conclude on Wednesday Feb. 16.

You can give through our website:https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YMTXX46F2X7AG&source=url

Or on our Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusKTC

Either way, you’ll be benefitting all sentient beings with the blessings of dharma.

May all beings benefit!

Reading Transmission Unites KTC’s “Distance Sangha”

This past weekend on a warm spring day under the cover of swiflly moving clouds, Lama Adam and Lama Kathy gave a socially-distanced Reading Transmission to more than a dozen people at Scioto-Audubon Park in downtown Columbus.

The event was organized by Lama Adam, who is helping facilitate an upcoming class on the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Chöd – an offering practice aimed at reversing ego-clinging and developing wisdom. The class will be taught via Zoom this coming Saturday by Lama Tsultrim Gyaltsen, men’s retreat master at the Karme Ling Retreat Center in upstate New York.

The class is unfortunately sold out, but will be repeated later this year.
Included in the group were several dharma students from central Ohio, as well as dharma friends from outside the city – and Tonya Kowalska, our KTC Zoom Team Lead, who drove from Lawrence, Kansas to attend. Tonya said she enjoyed seeing her KTC dharma friends “in person” and was delighted to see the new KTC building go up in downtown Columbus.

Losar Celebration 2021

After celebrating the Gregorian calendar New Year on Jan. 1, Columbus KTC is preparing to welcome the Tibetan New Year (known as “Losar”) on Friday, Feb. 12.

As the “old year” comes to a close, it is a Tibetan cultural tradition to clean one’s shrine and home in preparation for the “new year.” 

In that same way, it is a Tibetan Buddhist tradition to purify one’s thoughts and mindstream in the days before Losar (New Year) to bless and release the old year and prepare for the new year ahead.

At Columbus KTC, we will gather as a community for three nights before Losar to bless and purify the old year and make offerings toward goodness and auspiciousness in the new year.

Then, on Losar morning, we will offer lamps and recite prayers to bless ourselves and the community and start the new year with auspicious energy and blessings.

And, as Losar occurs on a Friday this year, we will be able to host a 2-hour Saturday morning Shamatha Meditation Retreat on the morning of Saturday, Feb. 13. 

The first two weeks of Losar coincide each year with the Great Occasion of the Buddha’s Performance of Miracles (Chötrul Duchen, in Tibetan), one of four Sacred Days on the Karma Kagyu tradition’s yearly calendar. This means that the benefit and blessing of any practice we do during this “Waxing Moon of Miracles” (sometimes called “The Month of Miracles”) is multiplied millions of times. 

We hope you can join us for these programs, all of which will be webcast on Zoom.

Registration is not needed for the pre-Losar and Losar Day events, but registration will be required for the Saturday Shamatha Retreat.

Celebration Schedule:

  • Pre-Losar Chenrezig chant – Tuesday, February 9, 2021 – Time: 7 pm to 8:00 pm Eastern Time
  • Pre-Losar Green Tara chant – Wednesday, February 10, 2021 – Time: 7 pm to 8:00 pm Eastern Time 
  • Pre-Losar Smoke/Incense Offering – Thursday, February 11, 2021 – Time: 7 pm to 8:00 pm 
  • Losar Morning Chants – Friday, February 12, 2021  Time: 8:00 am to 9:00 am Eastern Time
  • Losar Shamatha Retreat – Saturday February 13, 2021 Time: 10 am to 12:00 pm Eastern Time

Please visit our Virtual Shrine Room for details on accessing the Zoom meetings.

Registration is not needed for the pre-Losar and Losar Day events, but registration will be required for the Saturday Shamatha Retreat.

[wpi_designer_button text=’Register Online’ link=’https://www.eventbrite.com/e/new-years-saturday-morning-meditation-retreat-tickets-137096309753‘ target=’self’]

Registration Fees (cost per session, empowerments, materials, meal, etc): All evening prayer sessions free of charge; Saturday Shamatha Retreat by donation. No one will be turned away for lack of funds; contact lamakathy@columbusktc.org to request fee-free registration.

Chant with Us This Sunday to Observe 5 Years Since the Fire

This coming Sunday, January 31, is the 5th Anniversary of the Columbus KTC Fire – the arson blaze that destroyed our center and made us “dharma nomads,” conducting our meditations and classes in rented spaces all over town. 

To commemorate the event and make powerful aspirations for the future of our community, KTC will sponsor a special “Look to the Future” Chenrezig chant on Zoom at 10 AM Sunday Jan. 31, 2021.  We hope you will join us! 

Our goal is to have as many people as possible in the “Virtual Shrine Room” for this puja. We don’t think we can “break” Zoom, but it would be gratifying to “fill” the room.   

There will be brief introductory remarks by KTC Director Kim Miracle and then the chanting of Chenrezig/Amitabha prayers. You can find the prayers on the KTC Dharma Downloads page.

Sponsorships – if you would like to sponsor our “Look to the Future” Chenrezig chant, you can go to our PayPal Donation page.

Donations of any amount are welcome and will be MATCHED as part of our “$25,000 Matching Challenge” rebuilding campaign.   

Our new building is going up rapidly at the site of the old, and we rejoice together at what our sangha has accomplished.

May all beings benefit!

Beam Signing Postponed due to Stay-at-Home Order

We regret to report that due to an increase in COVID-19 cases in Central Ohio, the Franklin County and Columbus Departments of Public Health have advised all residents of Columbus and Franklin County to stay home beginning at 6 PM Friday Nov. 20. As part of the order, county residents are advised to only leave home to go to work or school, or for essential needs such as seeking medical care, going to the grocery store or pharmacy, and picking up food.

This means that as much as we would like to host our dharma family at our construction site this weekend, it is the wisest course of action for us to follow the advice of our public health leaders and stay at home to protect our family and community health and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Rest assured that when the emergency orders are lifted, we will joyfully gather to place our signatures on other building materials that will go into our new meditation center.

Meanwhile, please join us on Zoom on Tuesday Nov. 24 at 7 PM for our weekly compassion chant, as we pray the Chenrezig and Amitabha sadhanas for the protection and blessing of all beings.

Please take care during these difficult days and stay home when you can. Remember to wear a mask when you’re out and about, and remember to wash your hands. We love you and treasure you and look forward to seeing you in the coming months.  

May all be auspicious and may all beings benefit!

Columbus KTC’s Virtual Dharma Center Activities for Sunday, March 29th

Welcome to the Columbus KTC Virtual Shrine Room. We are using the Zoom conferencing service to help us practice together during this time of public health emergency. 

We appreciate your participation, and hope you enjoy your time with us. 
Please remember to mute your microphone so sounds from your home will not disturb the practice or teaching session.

We hope you will come visit us again. If you’d like to donate to help us with costs, please click here.

Instructions for Joining Columbus KTC Zoom Meetings

Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can download the Zoom app from the Download Center. Otherwise, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a Zoom Meeting Link.

For information on how to call in to a Zoom meeting, please click here. Otherwise, feel free to use the quick-links below to join a session.  

Green Tara on Sunday at 8:30 am EST

Time: Mar 29, 2020 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) https://zoom.us/j/2796283530

Group Meditation Practice on Sunday at 10:00 am EST

Time: Mar 29, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/512465844

Introduction to Meditation on Sunday at 10:00 am EST

Time: Mar 29, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) https://zoom.us/j/127257542

Pujas/Ngondro on Sunday at 10:00 am EST

Time: Mar 29, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/333116511

Introduction to Buddhism on Sunday at 11:30 am EST

Time: Mar 29, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) https://zoom.us/j/2796283530

Dharma Talk – Lama Kathy to Continue Sunday Dharma Talks on Facebook Live and YouTube

Please use the links to join Lama Kathy Wesley’s Sunday 1pm.

We will be meeting virtually until the public health emergency passes and meeting places reopen. 

Losar Activities 2018

Pre-Losar Mahakala Puja

Sunday, February 11 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

In Tibetan Buddhist religious communities, it is customary to conclude the year with a protector puja to clear away obstacles from the “old year” and prepare for Losar. By reciting the Mahakala puja and making offerings of torma and tea, we ask for Mahakala’s blessings to help us through the year.

Sang Puja

Sunday, February 11 @ 11:15 am

The day before Losar,Tibetan Buddhists traditionally make an outdoor incense offering called “Sang.” During Sang Puja, we offer fragrant wood and incense outdoors. After making the outdoor offering, we go indoors to chant. We then imagine the outdoor incense offering to be offerings as vast as space that please the enlightened ones and benefit sentient beings.

 Losar Sacred Day Retreat

Friday, February 16 @ 8:00 am

Tibetan New Year, or Losar, marks the start of a new Lunar year. Virtuous acts done during this time are multiplied many thousand-fold because of its connection with events in the life of the historical Buddha. Losar festivities always include morning and evening prayers. Join us at 8am for the Green Tara Puja to start the year with prayer and meditation.

Shabbat Supper & Prayers
with Tifereth Israel Congregation

Friday, February 16 @ 6:00 pm | Register Online

At 6 p.m. that evening, we will have a joint Shabbat (Sabbath) prayer service and meal with our Tifereth Israel spiritual friends. They would like to host us so we can help them wish farewell and good luck to Rabbi Ungar, who is retiring. Meal Registration is Required; deadline for Meal Registration is Feb. 13.

Losar Sunday Celebration

Sunday, February 18 @ 11:30 am

Our main KTC Tibetan New Year celebration takes place on Losar Sunday – the first Sunday after the Losar holiday. Members, friends, families and the Sangha are invited to meet the Sunday after Losar to light lamps, acknowledge volunteers, swear in new officers, and make offerings to a representation of His Holiness Karmapa, the head of our lineage.

Losar Sangha Lunch

Sunday, February 18 @ 1:00 pm | RSVP here

You are invited to join our regular Third Sunday Sangha lunch to celebrate Losar. We will meet Peking Dynasty Restaurant, 2210 E. Livingston Ave.  (Participants will pay for their meal.)
