Lama Karma Drodhul to Give Medicine Buddha empowerment Aug. 20th

Good News! Based on results of our sangha survey, we have asked Lama Karma Drodhul to give us the Medicine Buddha Empowerment during his visit to Columbus KTC in August. The empowerment, preceded by the Refuge Vow ceremony (for anyone who would like to begin their Buddhist path) will be at 3 PM Saturday Aug. 20 at KTC. The Refuge Vow ceremony is free of charge, but we request a $25 donation for the empowerment.

Want to register for Lama Karma’s visit?

Medicine Buddha is the embodiment of enlightened purification and healing for mind and body.

The empowerment will be a blessing for all, and is a permission-blessing to learn the visualization and meditation of Medicine Buddha that is recited monthly on Second Sundays at KTC. Interested in Refuge? Write to Lama Kathy at