HAPPY LOSAR from All of Us at KTC!

Tashi Delek (Auspicious Good Wishes) to one and all for the Year of the Rabbit – Losar 2023!

Lama Kathy recommends that we try to spend some extra time practicing mantra or meditation of offerings on the Losar holiday (Tuesday Feb. 21) because of the old Tibetan saying, “What you do on Losar, you will do all year long.”

Adding some extra practice on Losar Day will help you get the year off to a good start and help you connect with sentient beings in an auspicious way!

Want to start with an outdoor incense offering of your own? Check out the Short Lojong Smoke Offering Practice here: https://www.dropbox.com/home/SANG%20AND%20SUR%20PUJAS/LHASANG%20SMOKE%20OFFERING%20CLASS%20HANDOUTS

And remember that the first 15 Days of the New Year correspond to the 15 Days of Miracles performed by the Buddha during a debate he engaged in with non-Buddhist scholars. During these 15 days, the positive and negative effects of actions are particularly magnified, so it’s a good time to do lots of virtue and refrain from non-virtue 🙂

THIS coming Saturday Feb. 25 Lama Kathy and Lama Tom will preside over a Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony at 11:30 AM. It will be preceded at 10 AM by a one-hour class on the Bodhisattva Vow and a NEWLY ADDED Refuge Ceremony at 9 AM! There is no need to register for the Refuge Ceremony, but you can sign up for the Bodhisattva Vow class here:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/taking-the-bodhisattva-vow-teaching-and-ceremony-with-ktc-lamas-tickets-522291567137

The 15 Days of Miracles will culminate at KTC with a 9 AM Morning prayer service on Tuesday March 7, the “official” day to celebrate Chötrul Duchen, the Great Occasion of the Buddha’s Miracles.

May all beings benefit!