Happy Year of the Tiger to All! Join Us Next Week for Special Prayers

Each year we celebrate the beginning of the Lunar New Year in the Tibetan Calendar with special prayers to bring blessings into our dharma practice and our lives. 

This year, we will welcome the Year of the Tiger, according to the Tsurphu Lunar Calendar, on Wednesday Feb. 2.

Monday evening Jan. 31 at 7 PM – To clear away the obstacles of the old year we will have a special EVENING Green Tara Chant online through Zoom. Lama Kathy will preside and our regular Green Tara Umdze (chant leader) Marilyn Stephen will lead the chant, which will last about 80 minutes.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88616696341?pwd=eFdlMzk3MDUrRkhNUVlKc0c3eUo4dz09
Meeting ID: 886 1669 6341Passcode: 515800

Tuesday evening Feb. 1 at 6:30 PM  – We will add the Smoke Offering of the Mountains to our usual Chenrezig sadhana. Both will be on the same Zoom channel; you can join at any time. Want to do a smoke offering of your own? Simply light a stick of incense and place it outdoorsin a flowerpot filled with sand (or an incense burner). We will offer the smoke to the awakened ones and all the local deities and protectors, asking for blessings in the New Year.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87564734195?pwd=OGV3NnlPZ3JuNWV5ZUg2N2o1ei9FQT09
Meeting ID: 875 6473 4195Passcode: 262197

Wednesday morning Feb. 2 at 9 AM – We will welcome the New Year and start our year off right – with special prayers for blessing and auspiciousness. Bring a candle – electric or natural – because we will recite the Lamp Offering prayers, along with aspirations and blessings.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89302115616?pwd=NEtWZ0VkV2dZcXFGdUV4cXR0WW1idz09
Meeting ID: 893 0211 5616Passcode: 670215

And there’s even more opportunities to accumulate merit. Read on!

The first two weeks of Losar coincide each year with the Great Occasion of the Buddha’s Performance of Miracles (Chötrul Duchen, in Tibetan) on, one of four Sacred Days on the Karma Kagyu tradition’s yearly calendar. This means that the benefit and blessing of any practice we do during this “Waxing Moon of Miracles” (sometimes called “The Month of Miracles”) is multiplied millions of times. This year, Chötrul Duchen will take place on Wednesday Feb. 16. So this is a good time to plan in extra dharma offerings and practice!

Since it is so meritorious to give offerings to dharma causes during the first 15 days of the Tibetan New Year, we are offering our dharma friends the opportunity to donate to KTC in a special “Matching Funds” campaign. Since we are working on closing out our construction accounts and beginning repayment of our $200,000 construction loan, the funds raised in this special campaign will be dedicated to KTC’s area of greatest need, whether that is construction, loan repayment, or operations.

Each donation will be matched dollar for dollar by an anonymous donor up to $5,000. Campaign will begin on Wednesday Feb. 6 conclude on Wednesday Feb. 16.

You can give through our website:https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YMTXX46F2X7AG&source=url

Or on our Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusKTC

Either way, you’ll be benefitting all sentient beings with the blessings of dharma.

May all beings benefit!