Ready for Refuge? Pop-up Refuge Ceremony THIS Saturday, March 19!
If you’ve been thinking about Taking Refuge in the Buddhist tradition, your opportunity is coming up fast.
To answer a request from an out-of-town dharma student, KTC will have an indoor pop-up Refuge Ceremony at the KTC at 3:30 PM THIS Saturday.
The Refuge Vow Ceremony is a person’s formal entrance to the Buddhist path. During the one-hour (or less) ceremony, the student sits in front of a Dharma teacher and takes refuge in the Buddha as their teacher, the Dharma as their path and the Sangha as their community. They receive a Dharma name, a picture of the Buddha, and brief instructions for daily practice.
Want more information?
Here’s a link to a short article about Refuge by our founder, Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche:
Here’s an explainer for what to bring to the ceremony:
For questions, or to sign up, write Lama Kathy at