Columbus KTC Needs You!
As we recover from the fire in January and settle into our new home at Tifereth Israel, helping hands are needed to support Columbus KTC programs and activities. Please volunteer for one or more of the opportunities below:
Greeters: Welcome members, friends and visitors and escort them to the appropriate room for Columbus KTC programs on Sundays and Tuesday nights. Time commitment:1-2 hours per month. To sign up. contact
Tea Break Hosts: Organize tea, coffee and snacks for the 11:00 am tea break on Sunday mornings. Time commitment: 45/minutes per month. To sign up. contact
Dharma Storekeeper: The Dharma Store is coming back! Help sell books and other dharma related items on Sunday mornings. Time commitment: 1 hour/month To sign up. contact
Sound System Helpers: Set up a simple sound system for Sunday morning/ month. To sign up. contact
Event Coordinator: Help organize special events such as our Nyungne Retreat, ComFest, Lama Visits, and Fall Retreat. Time commitment: 10-15 hours/event. To sign up. contact
Woodworkers: We may need assistance to build new puja tables for the center. If you have woodworking skills, let us know. Time commitment: 3 – 5 hours. To sign up. contact